The LEGO Company History

Feb 2, 2023

LEGO a well-known company, that, over time, has gone coming from a single-product maker of plastic foundations to a global toy and entertainment empire. Today, it can a profitable, design-driven wonder built around premium, user-friendly, covetable equipment that fans can’t get enough of — and it is all due to its people.

The Story

Ole Kirk Christiansen founded the LEGO organization in Denmark in 1932 having a plan to build residences. But as the good Depression struck, he was required to change his mind and commence manufacturing hardwood toys instead.

In 49, he bought a plastic-type injection-moulding equipment, and LEGO began to produce its famous bricks. They were the initially their kind in Denmark and allowed LEGO to make a wider various designs, increased strength, and a higher amount of customization than traditional wood.

The LEGO Program

From the 1954s onward, Lego introduced the stud-and-tube style of their iconic bricks, making a system for securing them together without one snapping separate or falling out of place. It also brought about bricks being made compatible with each other, so that new creations can easily be put together with older kinds.

Memory Side of the road

The LEGO Group’s store, inside the basement of its Enfield, Connecticut, vegetable, contains packaging and deals containing each of the company’s gadget history. These are packed in gun-metal grey storage, arranged simply by year and date.

It’s a reminder for the company’s beginnings and its customs, and also how long it has come. A visit lego things for this archive is much like opening an occasion capsule and being transported back in time to a simpler, more simple world where children were cheerful.